Class Enrollment

Lead Inspector

Duration (hours): 24
Certification Length (months): 6

This course includes background information, uses and health effect of lead, regulatory review pertaining to lead-based paint, roles and responsibilities of the lead-based paint inspector, lead-based paint, dust, soil and other inspection methodologies, building construction and components related to lead-based paint, clearance standards and testing, interpretation of lead sampling results, formulation and implementation of the final inspection report, recordkeeping and an introduction to risk assessment and lead hazard screen protocol. The course includes 8 hours of hands-on activities including inspection methods, sampling methodologies, lab results interpretation, and inspection reporting. In addition to the course notebook, each attendee will receive a copy of the applicable sections of the HUD Guidelines for The Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing.

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Scheduled Classes Available

Monday, January 20, 2025
Beginnning at 8:00 AM
Instructor: Dave Pippenger
Fee: $1,200.00
Monday, February 17, 2025
Beginnning at 8:00 AM
Instructor: Dave Pippenger
Fee: $1,200.00
Monday, March 17, 2025
Beginnning at 8:00 AM
Instructor: Dave Pippenger
Fee: $1,200.00
Monday, April 14, 2025
Beginnning at 8:00 AM
Instructor: Dave Pippenger
Fee: $1,200.00